Get Green with Style Blog

Definition and Product of the Week 06.26.2010

Each Saturday, we post a definition and a product of the week so that you can learn more about going green and what makes particular products green. This week, we’ll define BLACKWATER and the product of the week is PLATO WOODWORK CABINETRY.

Definition and Product of the Week 05.01.2010

Each Saturday, we post a definition and a product of the week so that you can learn more about going green and what makes particular products green. This week, we’ll define what is GREYWATER and the product of the week is EARTH WEAVE CARPETING.

Definition and Product of the Week 03.20.2010

Each Saturday, we’ll post a definition and a product of the week so that you can learn more about going green and what makes particular products green. This week, we define CRADLE TO CRADLE and the product of the week is RINATO.