Get Green with Style Blog

Interview with Brenda Thompson of O Ecotextiles – Part 6

As we close out our final segment with Brenda, she shares other information that is important to people learning about going green.

Interview with Brenda Thompson of O Ecotextiles – Part 5

“In Germany, they recycle everything. You are only allowed one little trashcan per week and the lid has to close tight. This was a difficult task with having a baby in diapers at the time, but it’s definitely doable if you make it a priority.” Brenda Thompson

Interview with Brenda Thompson of O Ecotextiles Part 4

“This experience with my son’s reaction to latex, led me to question other chemicals that we were exposed to on a daily basis (paint, fabric, furniture, etc.) and how these materials impacted our health.” Brenda Thompson

Interview with Brenda Thompson of O Ecotextiles Part 3

“Being eco-conscious has also changed the food I eat. I’m a big supporter of organic food. Yes, it’s more expensive, but isn’t our health worth it?” – Brenda Thompson

Interview with Brenda Thompson of O Ecotextiles Part 2

“O Ecotextiles does not compromise on the quality of the fabric or the environment. They have tremendous respect from the design community and continue to research the latest technology in producing eco-friendly fabrics.” – Brenda Thompson

Interview with Brenda Thompson of O Ecotextiles Part 1

Learn about eco friendly textiles that are, “safe enough for an infant to chew on” from Brenda Thompson of O Ecotextiles.